There are moments in every persons life where they face a challenge or two and become refined. I have learned through every refining opportunity that I've experienced, each instance leads you to something else. And what I mean by that is each time that you reach a wall or an obstacle, and it doesn't work out the way you had intended or wanted it to, it leads you to something else. It's what shapes us as people and human beings. It's what makes us unique. I can honestly say that the challenges I'm facing now are a great opportunity for me to say..."Okay what do I really want, and how do I get it.". It's also an opportunity to reflect on myself and see what I need to personally work on to become a better person.

Of course everything bad that does happen in our lives, it isn't easy and usually isn't enjoyable, but it can be. I look forward to the future and what will become of this situation. I will definitely look back and say this is why that happened. It's the ah ha moment everyone has when they reflect on their life and say yep i know why now. So instead of having a pity party and dwell on it forever, look at the positive side. What can I learn from this? How will this help me grow and move outside of my comfort zone? How do I really want to view this situation?
I feel that in order to be true to myself this needed to happen. So I embrace the challenge and look forward to the learning opportunity I have in front of me. And each time a challenge comes my way I get excited because it's something that will make my circle of what I can handle and achieve bigger. I get excited about that. Life is not easy but learn to embrace the hard times because they help you.