My sister is probably one of the funniest people that i know personally. She makes me laugh all of the time. I don't know if we're just both slightly handicap or if we just have a great sense of humor. Either way I seem to find myself laughing most of the time that I am around her. One day I walked into her room and in her room she has two double door closets. They aren't walk-in, but there is a lot of room in them. They were made for 2 people. I walk in, and I noticed something totally out of the ordinary. I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was at that moment though. So I went about my business getting ready in the bathroom that we both shared together. We were talking as I was getting ready. She was on her bed talking to me through the room and into the bathroom where I was. I finally finished and came and sat on the bed next to her. "The pit of doom." Now anyone that knows us, knows that when we sit on the bed together and start talking, we never get anything else accomplished. So we have thus nicknamed our beds "The Pit of Doom". Well as we were sitting there chatting away, I looked straight forward towards her closets. I finally figured out what was different.
"Why is all your stuff all the sudden jammed into one closet?"
She paused, hesitant to answer my question. "I'm not sure that I really want to tell you." She said sheepishly. "You will think that I am retarded."
Now I really started to notice things.
"And why is your bed moved away from the corner of the room and directly in the center of the wall now?"
She covered her head in a pillow and started to laugh.
"You have to tell me what is going on." I said. She winced as if it was almost too painful.
"Okay, but you have to swear to me that you won't laugh."
"Promise." Half sure of whether or not I could. "I will do my best."
"You have to swear on grandpa's grave you won't laugh at me." She said. It was as if it were life or death at this point.
"Okay...So you know how in "The Secret" they tell you to have positive thinking. And how your thoughts are suppose to become things?"
"Yes." I replied, interestingly awaiting the outcome of this charade.
"Well, since I have really been thinking hard about how I want a boyfriend. Not just a boyfriend, but a potential husband. I thought I would put it into action."
"Oh and what does this have to do with the way that your room is currently arranged?" I asked.
"Well, if I made my room as if there were actual space for another person to live in here with me, that would be positive thinking and action. So I moved my bed away from the wall so someone could get around the bed to their side. And I cleared out my other closet so someone else could move their stuff in. I am available for immediate move-ins."
"You are serious?"
I burst into laughter. I couldn't help it, that was the singular most funny thing I had heard that whole month. Now I know that my sister is funny. But wow, she really blew my socks off. I started to have tears rolling down my face I was laughing so hard. I have never seen someone so determined to think a new love interest into their life. She meant business. No funny stuff either. She had it all set up so that it would be so easy for someone to just move into her room. And I am sure that she would have been thrilled if that were the case. So my sister is still available for immediate move-ins and this was nearly two months ago that she made this arrangement. My funny sister.