"Good art is not what it looks like, but what it does to us." Roy Adzak

Saturday, May 23, 2009


So my father asked my sister and I if we wanted to pull weeds for money. Never agree to this. If anyone asks say you have carpal tunnel or something. Well since we were desperate and hard up for cash we agreed. We thought oh yeah we'll be done in a couple of days no problem. Well let me describe to you the situation. We were asked to weed the banks of a ditch. On both sides. Now to give you an insight as to how long the ditch was, if you were to drive up and down it, it would be a half mile. Another tid bit of information is that the weeds were covering the bank. There wasn't like a few weeds here and there. They were overtaking the bank. It was ridiculous. Day by day we would set out to finish the weeds. The days started to add up. 1, 2, 5, 7, 10... you get the picture. It started to feel like torture. And every day my dad would come up and just smile like he knew he was torturing us. It was like it was on purpose. Like he was trying to build character in us. Or something morbid like that. We told him many times that we were trying to quit weed, but it was taking over our lives. He would just laugh and walk off. He thoroughly enjoyed watching us weed his ditch bank. I knew that he just wanted to get out his lawn chair and glass of lemonade and sit and watch us as we labored away. People stopped asking us what we were up to, because they knew that we were pulling weeds. One day my sister got so frustrated she took her shovel and started hitting the dirt. Over and over. Grunting as she exerted all of her frustrations onto the dirt. Then she started laughing. When my sister gets really angry or upset she starts to laugh. So I knew at that moment she was outright pissed. It was so funny I couldn't help but to laugh. Well as we were weeding we started a game of sorts. One of us would dig the top of the bank and the other would dig the bottom. We would dig all the weeds and then come back and gather them up and get all the ones we missed. We had somehow drawn an imaginary line down the length of the ditch that ended up somewhere in the middle. Depending on which person you were asking would depend on how much closer the line was to them, and how much more the other person was suppose to be weeding. So anyway as we were clearing the weeds, we would yell out you missed, anytime a weed was on the other side of the imaginary line, that we weren't digging. "You missed!" We would exclaim as if that somehow made us feel better.  The more times we were able to point out the other persons mistake, the better we seemed to feel. So we would yell "you missed, you missed, you missed, you missed!" Every time we saw the hint of a straggling weed. Then there was the occasional "What were you thinking, are you blind!?" And of course weeds that were missed, that were quite possibly our mistake were always blamed onto the other person. Well eventually we finally finished. And told our dad that we had finally quit weed. He couldn't have been prouder. Then of course our hands were extended for the cash flow that we were expecting. "Thanks dad!" But at the end of the day if we could stick out pulling  weeds every day for 2 1/2 weeks, we can do anything. Goes to show what hard work, and a great friend to do it with will get you. 

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