I think that we should start a petition against age. Getting old has its perks I guess, but the physical effects are not something I enjoy or look forward to. You know how in the bible it says that someone offended God and so now we have weeds? Well I would like to know who offended God so that now we have things like cancer, arthritis, MS, age spots. I would like to give those people a piece of my mind. "If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have these problems." or "You just think you are so clever, causing the rest of us to hunch over, real funny smarty pants." Too bad there aren't any time machines, we could go back in time and find out. In the same breathe though, I don't think that I would like to have the same mentality that I had 5 years ago. I think if it were at all possible to have the wisdom of when you turn 50 and the body of when you turn 20, that would be the life. And no birthdays. Who's brilliant idea was that? Yeah let's just remind ourselves of how old we are every year at the same time. Why does time have to have relevance in our lives? If there were no time, think of all the things you could do? What would I do if there was no time? Oh man I would do a lot of things. Maybe that's the whole point. Maybe we should be living as if there was no time. zzzrcchhhaah huh....? Oh I'm sorry I must have been dreaming. But anyway, I just don't like getting older. And maybe that's just because I don't feel my life is fulfilled, or that I have achieved everything I feel that I should. I'm not sure. I will however try my best to become amazing. That is what I want to be in this life, is amazing. And not the conceited kind that you are thinking, just what I feel would be an amazing person, that's who I want to become. Never settle.